- Parcel Tax Oversight Committee
Parcel Tax Committee
On March 3, 2020, the voters of the San Carlos School District (“District”) approved Measure N, which authorized the District to renew and increase the existing parcel tax to $334.60 per parcel for 8 years. Measure N requires the establishment of an independent citizen’s oversight committee (the “Committee”). The committee will oversee expenditures of the special taxes collected pursuant to Measure N and ensure that monies raised are spent only for the purposes described in Measure N.
The next meeting of the committee will be April 24, 2025 at 3:30 p.m. The agenda packet will be posted no less that 72 hours prior to the meeting.
At the December 14, 2023 Board Meeting, the members of the committee were reappointed to an additional two-year term:
- Alana Corso
- Scott Jeffries
- Ross Kirschner
- Betsy Koefoed
- Katherine Sherman
The following attachments relate to the Committees’ activities:
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Agenda 10-16-24
Approved Minutes from the SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting 5-15-24
Parcel Tax Committee Presentation_Rev_Final 10-16-24
2023-24 Parcel Tax Report Rev_Final 10-16-24
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Agenda 5-15-24
Approved minutes from the SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting 12-20-23
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Agenda 12-20-23
Draft 2022-23 Parcel Tax Report
Unapproved minutes from the SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting 1-11-23
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Agenda -1-11-2023
Draft 2021-22 Parcel Tax Report
Approved minutes from the SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting 11-16-2022
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Agenda 11-16-2022
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting Presentation 11-16-2022
Approved Minutes of the SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting 6-29-2022
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Agenda 6-29-2022
Approved minutes from the SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting 4-27-2022
Final 2020-21 Parcel Tax Report
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Agenda 4-27-2022
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting Presentation 4-27-2022
Brown Act presentation 4-27-2022
Approved minutes from the SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting 3-2-2022
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting Agenda 3-2-2022
SCSD Parcel Tax Committee Meeting Presentation 3-2-2022
Resolution #11:20/21 Establishing Citizen's Oversight Committee to Oversee Measure N Parcel Tax
Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Bylaws
Parcel Taxes
Parcel taxes are flat amounts levied per real estate parcel (irrespective of appraised value) and the funds generated for such taxes go to the school district general fund for ongoing operating expenses. Parcel taxes must pass with a 2/3 supermajority of voters in favor and are generally in force for a specific term. Beginning with the 2020-21 fiscal year, approximately 8% of SCSD’s General Fund revenue comes from the parcel tax passed by the community in 2020. This funding has become absolutely critical in allowing San Carlos to maintain all of its core programs, fulfill its mission in serving the whole child, and provide an excellent education to all students.
- Measure N - Passed March 2020 for a total of $334.60 per parcel, per year for 8 years.
- Measure P - Passed May 2015 for a total of $246.60 per parcel, per year for 6 years.