School Board » - 7-11 Surplus Property Advisory Committee

- 7-11 Surplus Property Advisory Committee


7-11 Surplus Property Advisory Committee

On April 29, 2019, the San Carlos School Board of Trustees approved the formation of an advisory committee to advise the District and Board of Trustees in the development of policies and procedures to govern the use or disposition of school buildings, space or property which is not currently needed for school purposes. The 7-11 Committee was the recommendation of the Superintendent's Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) as part of their input regarding reductions in expenditures and ways to increase revenue to stabilize the district budget. The committee is composed of 8 members representing a cross-section of the community as required by Education Code Section 17387-17391. The Board specifically requested advice regarding use of the following District properties:

• The District Office located at 1200 Industrial Road, Unit 9, San Carlos, California.

• 826 & 828 Chestnut Street, San Carlos, California.

The committee is charged with reviewing projected enrollment, establishing a priority list of surplus and real property that will be acceptable to the community, making a determination of limits of tolerance of use of space and real property, and developing a priority list and presenting a written report of findings to the Board of Trustees.

Members of the Committee include:

  • Sarah Amos
  • Lisa Ceragioli
  • Alana Corso
  • Tom Domer
  • Kathy Parmer Lohan
  • Tom Quiggle
  • Hazel Stabinsky
  • Laura Teutschel


The committee has held four meetings thus far on February 11, 2020, and after a pause due to the COVID-19 health crisis, on October 19, 2021, February 8, March 8 and April 19, 2022. It is anticipated that one additional meeting will be required for the committee to make its recommendations and written report to the School Board at a future meeting. The last meeting of the committee was held June 8, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the District Office, 1200 Industrial Road, Unit 9. The committee submitted their report; committee work has concluded until further notice.

Should you have any questions about the committee or this process, please contact Ralph Crame at [email protected].  Please scroll down for additional documents regarding the 7-11 Surplus Property Committee.


On May 28, 2015, the San Carlos School District Board of Trustees approved the formation of an advisory committee to advise the District and Board of Trustees in the development of policies and procedures to govern the use or disposition of school buildings, space or property which is not currently needed for school purposes. The committee is composed of 8 members representing a cross-section of the community as required by Education Code Section 17387-17391. The Board specifically requested advice regarding the use of the following District properties:

• Vacant land at the Southwest corner of the District’s Heather Elementary School located at 2757 Melendy Drive, San Carlos, California.

• The tennis courts and wooded area including the trail located in the northwestern portion of the District’s Arundel Elementary School located at 200 Arundel Road, San Carlos, California.

• The District Office - located at 1200 Industrial Road, Unit 9, San Carlos, California.

The committee is charged with reviewing projected enrollment, establishing a priority list of surplus and real property that will be acceptable to the community, making a determination of limits of tolerance of the use of space and real property, and developing a priority list and presenting a written report of findings to the Board of Trustees.

The committee has held two meetings thus far, May 5, 2016 and May 17, 2016. A public hearing regarding the above properties will be held on June 1, 2016. It is anticipated that a final meeting for the committee to make its recommendations to the School Board will be held on June 16, 2016, with the intent to bring the committee’s recommendations and written report to the Board of Trustees at its meeting of June 30, 2016.

It is important to note that at the June 1 public hearing, the District is neither taking action nor making a decision of any kind regarding the potential sale of any of these properties and that the June 1 meeting is being held by the advisory committee, not the Board of Trustees. Recent blog posts suggesting otherwise are erroneous. The School Board would not consider any action and will not take up the matter until and unless the committee has presented its report and the Board of Trustees had duly considered the committee’s recommendations. The Board ultimately may elect to take no action, to explore leases for one or more of the properties, to consider open space and other use, or to sell one or more of the properties. While community input is welcome at the committee’s meeting on June 1, there will be no action taken that night by either the committee or by the District.


Information related to the 2020-2022 7-11 Committee Meetings (concluded):

Information Related to 2016 7-11 Committee Meetings and Findings:

7-11 Committee Agenda for May 17, 2016

7-11 Committee Agenda for June 1, 2016

7-11 Committee Agenda for June 16, 2016

Surplus Property (7-11) Committee Report