Families & Community » Equitable and Inclusive Practices

Equitable and Inclusive Practices

The San Carlos School District (SCSD) prioritizes a culturally competent and diverse workforce through its emphasis on equitable and inclusive practices, which received a 2023 Kent Award from the San Mateo County School Boards Association.

In the fall of 2020, SCSD embarked on a partnership with Inclusion Counts to advance Equitable and Inclusive practices in the San Carlos School District.  We formed a steering committee of staff, parents and community members (see right-hand margin) in order to ensure our priorities, goals and actions related to these areas are reflective of our diverse community voices. 



  • Inclusion Counts conducted listening sessions with different stakeholder groups from the district and used that information to provide an Equity Report with a list of recommendations.
  • The steering committee has reviewed those recommendations and created an action plan with a 3-year timeline of goals, action items and metrics
  • The steering committee has created a mission and vision statement (see below) to guide our work in this area
  • All certificated staff have received professional development from Inclusion Counts
The Diverse Staff Subcommittee has examined baseline data and helped hire diverse and culturally competent administrators. Moving forward, the subcommittee will review onboarding practices, establish teacher mentorship programs, and foster relationships with local colleges and universities. SCSD has also been given a three-year $200,000 grant as part of the California Department of Education's Antibias Education Grant Program to support these efforts, including hiring a Community Liaison for family engagement.
We look forward to furthering this work in partnership with all community and school stakeholders! 
SCSD Equitable and Inclusive Practices Steering Committee Mission & Vision Statements


We, the staff, students, families and community of San Carlos School District, commit to the values of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in our daily and ongoing educational practice.  

Our goal is to incorporate diverse perspectives within the 5C’s (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, citizenship and creativity) so that every student feels and helps others feel safe, valued, respected, affirmed, included and connected to their school community and the world around them.

We strive to create learning environments in each of our schools that provide a diverse, inclusive educational experience that is free from bias for every student.

By providing the tools every student needs to engage with a variety of perspectives utilizing empathy, understanding, cultural awareness, critical thinking & advocacy, we will prepare students to positively engage in a diverse world.


Declaraciones de Misión y Visión del Comité Directivo de Prácticas Equitativas e Inclusivas del SCSD

Declaraciones de misión y visión del Comité Directivo de Prácticas Equitativas e Inclusivas del SCSD

Nosotros, el personal, los estudiantes, las familias y la comunidad del Distrito Escolar de San Carlos, estamos comprometidos con los valores de diversidad, equidad, inclusión y el sentido de pertenencia en nuestra práctica educativa diaria y continua.

Nuestro objetivo es incorporar diversas perspectivas dentro de las 5C (pensamiento crítico, comunicación, colaboración, civismo y creatividad) para que cada estudiante se sienta y ayude a otros a sentirse seguros, valorados, respetados, reconocidos, incluidos y conectados con su comunidad escolar y el mundo que los rodea.

Nos esforzamos por crear entornos de aprendizaje en cada una de nuestras escuelas que brinden una experiencia educativa diversa e inclusiva que esté libre de prejuicios para cada estudiante.

Al proporcionar las herramientas que cada estudiante necesita para colaborar con una variedad de perspectivas utilizando la empatía, la comprensión, la conciencia cultural, el pensamiento crítico y la abogacía, prepararemos a los estudiantes para participar positivamente en un mundo diverso.


Signature Programs & Initiatives

  • Elementary Schools
  • Middle Schools
  • Faculty Programs

Our Commitment

San Carlos School District is committed to continuing our mission of educating every student in an inclusive and welcoming environment free from racism and violence. We also encourage our community to have critical conversations about race and equity and become agents of change.


The District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.  If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, you should immediately contact:

  • The school site principal and/or Hans Barber, District Complaint Officer at (650) 590-5930 or [email protected]
  • For discrimination related to gender, please contact Title IX Coordinator, Meagan Vizier, (650) 590-5943 [email protected]
The Hate You Give
Caste by Isabel Wilkerson
Racial Healing Handbook by A. Singh
Stamped for Kids
How to Be Antiracist
The Color of Law: A forgotten history of how our government segregated America
This Book is Antiracist
White Fragility
Lean In
Front Desk, Three Keys, and Room to Dream by Kelly Yang
Atlas of the Heart and Dare to Lead by Brene Brown 
Equity Centered Trauma Informed Education
The Marrow Thieves  and Hunting by Stan by Cherie Dimaline
Just Mercy by Brian Stephenson
Radically Listening to Transgender Children by Julie Nicholson & Katie Steele
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum
1619 Project by Nicole Hannah Jones
The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead
Fish in a Tree
Parenting Beyond Pink & Blue by Dr. Christia Brown
We Were 8 Years in Power by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine
Black Brother, Black Brother
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man by Emanuel Acho
SLJ Refreshing the Classics
The Other Talk by Brendan Kiely
I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown
Born on the Water (picture book based on 1619 Project)

Code Switch
Nice White Parents
We Can Do Hard Things 
Unlocking Us- especially Jason Reynolds episode
21 Day Equity Challenge
Green Dreamer
The Improvement Association
Ear Hustle
More Perfect
A Slight Change of Plans 
Prison Project
NPR Fresh Air, especially Episodes 5,278 (May 18) and 5,261 (April 28)

SLJ - “Refreshing the Classics”
“Dismantling White Supremacy” Culture - Tema Okun
“Redefining Power”- Brittany Packnett
New York Times article “Lucy Calkins retreats on phonics in fight over reading curriculum”
Equal Justice Initiative 
Intersectional Environmentalist
Jason Reynolds - Library of Congress School Ambassador
African American American Regional Educational Alliance
Learning For Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance)

Other Media Forms
Kimberle Crenshaw - books, Twitter
“The urgency of intersectionality” - TED Talk by Kimberle Crenshaw
@MsPackyetti, @choo_ek, @ava, @deray- Twitter
Ally Henny - Facebook
Anti-Racism Daily email subscription
View our Equity Report