Strategic Plan » Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan


We are excited to announce the refresh of our 2023-2028 SCSD Strategic Plan after a year-long collaboration that collected input from Trustees, school leadership, teachers, staff, parents, students and community partners. Through these collaborative efforts, we have embarked on a transformative journey to shape the future of education in our district.

Strategic Plan Cover Image

The heart of this endeavor lies in the formulation of a new Vision for the District. Embracing innovation and growth, our Vision embodies a commitment to excellence in education, fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment that empowers students to become engaged global citizens and trailblazers of tomorrow. Grounded in the values of equity, empathy, and citizenship, the new Vision sets a bold course towards a brighter future for all learners.


The San Carlos School District shall provide an innovative and engaging learning experience that fosters the development of the Whole Child to ensure all students are well prepared for success in the future, as evidenced by:

- Reaching their highest academic, social, emotional, intellectual, and physical potential;
- Becoming problem solvers, curious self-aware learners, and kind citizens; and
- Developing into empathic citizens and leaders who are responsible stewards of their world and care about equity and justice, both locally and worldwide.
The Learner Profile Image

In addition to the Vision, the refresh of the Strategic Plan introduces an inspiring new Profile of a Learner. This dynamic framework outlines the attributes and skills that every student will develop throughout their educational journey with SCSD. Going beyond traditional academics, the Profile of a Learner emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, adaptability, and collaboration, equipping students with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.

The Design Team is continuing the next phase of work with SCSD teachers, leadership, and the community to develop action plans for success indicators.


We are delighted to share with you a collection of videos highlighting important elements of our new Strategic Plan.

Week 1: Curious Problem Solvers

Week 2: Kind Citizens

Week 3: Self-Aware Learners

Week 4: The Educator

Week 5: The School

Week 6: The Community

Board Meeting Update - April 6, 2023

The SCSD Strategic Plan Design Team has developed a draft of the revision of the SCSD Strategic Plan. Using feedback from focus groups, educational partners, stakeholder engagement sessions, staff and a community survey, the team created a first draft to share with the Board of Trustees for reactions and input. The draft includes a Profile of the Learner example, a picture of success for the concentric circles around SCSD Learners (teachers, school, and community), and success indicators that describe the results of the actions that will be developed next in the action plan. Click here to see the Presentation and the SCSD Strategic Plan 2023-28 rough draft shared at the board meeting.



 Strategic Plan Refresh 2022-23

Our Strategic Plan was written in 2013. Many elements like Whole Child, Project Based- Learning and the 5 C’s were ahead of their time and continue to inform our teaching and learning. However, much has changed since 2013 and we must evaluate how to educate future-ready learners. Our strategic plan refresh process has involved workshops, surveys, stakeholder meetings and a design team process. Community input has been invaluable to co-creating a resulting roadmap to inform next steps for our learners. Opportunities to share feedback included:

  • Completing a strategic planning survey - taken online before December 15 - available in Spanish and English.
  • Attending one of our in-person community meetings to learn more about the strategic planning process, receive updates on recently collected input, and real-time brainstorming about future opportunities for SCSD and our students:
    • Wednesday, October 26 - 4:00 - 5:30 pm - Arroyo Upper Elementary Learning Commons
    • Thursday, November 3 - 8:45 - 10:15 am - Tierra Linda Middle School Multi-Use Room
    • Wednesday, November 30 - 6:30 - 8:00 pm - Ravenswood YMCA (550 Bell St., East Palo Alto) **habrá traducción simultánea**
    • Tuesday, December 13 - 6:00 - 7:30 pm - Arundel Elementary Elementary Multi-Use Room 

All feedback will be considered by a Design Team to represent the thinking across all interested groups, identify themes, and revise the objectives and directions regarding Teaching and Learning, Social Emotional Learning and Learning Spaces.


SCSD Strategic Plan: 3 Main Pillars

  1. Developing and delivering innovative and engaging curriculum and instruction;
  2. Leveraging human capital to support staff as 21st century educators;
  3. Building learning environments that reflect, support, and sustain 21st century learners. 





Site and district leaders began the discovery phase in June 2022

JUNE – SEPT 2022

OCT – MAR 2022

APR - JUNE 2023




Review Prior Analysis & Determine Future State

Define Road Map for Strategic Plan Development

Review and Refine Strategic Plan for Final Adoption


Discovery Phase Part 1: What in the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan is Evergreen?

The following are universally relevant for SCSD education:

  • Educating the Whole Child
  • Personalizing learning
  • Staying innovative to create future-ready students
  • Implementing the 5 C’s (8 C’s)
  • Infusing project-based learning and STEM/STEAM
  • Climate readiness
  • Incorporating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Discovery Phase Part II: REIMAGINE the future & close gaps
Meetings - Outreach 2022-23




Engagement - Visioning

Management Team


Engagement - Visioning

Management Team


Engagement - Visioning

Visioning Session 1 - PTACC


Engagement - Visioning

Staff Intro to Process & Invite to Meetings


Engagement - Visioning

Staff & Community Survey - English | Spanish


Engagement - Visioning

Community Intro to Process & Invite to Meetings


Engagement - Kick Off

Steering Committee Meeting No. 1 - Kick-Off


Engagement - Community

Session 1 - SCEF


Engagement - Community

Session 2 - Arroyo Community Meeting


Engagement - Community

Session 3 - PTACC


Engagement - Community

Session 4 - Tierra Linda Community Meeting


Engagement - Community

Session 5 - Ravenswood/East Palo Alto Community Meeting


Engagement - Community

Session 6 - Arundel Community Meeting


Engagement - Community

Sessions 7-15 - All School Sites


Upcoming Meetings




Engagement - Community

Sessions 17-24 - Student Meetings


Engagement - Community

Session 25 - District Office Staff


Engagement - Community

Session 26 - DEIB Steering Committee


Engagement - Community

Sessions 27 - DELAC Committee


If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call (650) 580-7333.